TEAM:Our Goal this week has been to write-up company summaries for competition, do more research into the potential customers and contact them. it has been a bumpy week for all of us as we have not had much success with the customers. that project has extended into this next week and until thanksgiving.

Some of the plug-ins that i have worked on this past week have proven to be very good at helping with some of the less user-friendly parts of excel and visual basic, some explain out or better emphasis the things to do so it has been a good deal this week to spend time developing that further.

As we talked about coach Wooden and how it relates to the gospel and way in which the gospel teaches to change a man from the inside and he will change his surroundings, i was brought to think a lot of how men are inspired to teach and help us even if they are not members, i think their influence reaches the world and effects many.

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