Week 9



TEAM:Since we redefined our focus and what we should be looking for, we have had great success. this past week we defined potential customers by looking and digging into the industries which we serve. our goal has been to start building profiles for companies and contacting them in order to better grasp the costs associated with the industries.

I had a great week identifying and putting to use some different plugin's that i found for visual basic and excel. I may need to take another week or so to get through them and fully utilize their potential. i wasn't planning on spending so much time on the different plugin's, but i am in good shape as far as my schedule goes, i have caught up and am ahead of where i had planned to be on some of my other planned things, so i have the time to really delve in and develop my knowledge where it is needed.

      Nothing has been learned or done that was not centered or understood or done because of my relationship to the gospel.  He who knows no that he knows not, follow him. Information acted upon causes a disparity or gap between what we know and where we should be. To help reduce the gap we must change, this change will help to reduce the disparity.The spiritual and intellectual goals of our lives must not be compartmentalized, they are inseparable in how vital we must rely on the gospel orientation and templates to analyze and goal intellectually.    In order to solve the problems we create, we must move to the next intellectual level, the spirit will guide that movement.  Look academia through the lens of the gospel, then you will learn true principles.

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